: SUN-THU 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM , FRI 10:00AM - 1:30 PM

Phone +977-1-4519722 | +977-9851350705

Email info@iin.org.np

Address Siddhartha Premier Building 5th Floor, Narayanchaur,Naxal,Kathmandu,Nepal

Two Days’ Advance Training on “Introduction to Life insurance Underwriting”

Two Days’ Advance Training on “Introduction to Life insurance Underwriting”

Resource Person :

Financial Underwriting:- Mr. Digvijaya Singhal

Medical Underwriting :- Mr. Kamal Raj Aryal

Date : 2080-05-08-2080-05-09

Venue: THE SR HOTEL, Drivertole- Butwal

Total Attendees: 55